The non-stop coverage of the Coronation of the King of England begins soon. He is already the king but will officially take his oath of office and receive his crown on Saturday, May 6. King Charles III is the oldest king to ascend to the throne of Great Britain. He was 73 at the time of his mother’s death. The runner up is Queen Victoria’s son Albert, Bertie as he was called, while he was Prince of Wales. Albert Edward became King Edward VII at age 59. The US television coverage (on all major channels) begins at 4:00 a.m. Central Daylight Time. Charles and Camilla will be crowned in a two-hour service in Westminster Abbey beginning at 5:00 a.m. The new King’s crown was made for Charles the II in 1616. Have fun watching it all. You can tell me about it someday.
Who should crown a king? Whoever puts the crown on a sovereign’s head implies an authority above the King. For centuries the Pope, representing God Almighty and with the personal power to condemn people to eternal punishment, crowned the European kings. With the Protestant Reformation of the 1500’s, and a general move towards religious separation, the Pope became less important. In fact, one King of France snatched the crown from the hands of the Pope and crowned himself, proclaiming no one was above the King. Religious libertarians, like Baptists, proclaimed the separation of the church from the entanglement of the state. We have but one King—Jesus. Baptists helped write the first amendment to the Bill of Rights. Men like James Madison recognized that state endorsed religions promote a heavy-handed oppression of the free expression of faith. Some Baptists today have abandoned their principles on this matter.
After Henry VIII broke from Catholicism and established the Anglican Church, tradition there holds that the Archbishop of Canterbury is the head of the church. In that role the Most Reverend Justin Welby will anoint the King with holy oil (viewers are not allowed to witness this ritual) before placing the crown upon his head. Those countries which still have kings and queens, including Great Britain, are all constitutional monarchies and are pledging an oath to their governing constitutions. The kings and queens of today’s world are symbols of a nation’s heritage and carry the role of advisors to their nation’s leaders. They have the title but little authority.
Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy your life today. Christ is King. Let’s experience the love and power of God together.
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