This Reflections is a re-posting from August 2020
A few years ago, I wandered around the Army Navy surplus store looking for a good deal on something. I was open to what that might be. They tried to interest me in some body armor—a bullet-proof vest. It was camouflaged with multiple pockets and places to attach my survival gear. Wearing that vest, they told me, I could face down the bad guys when all the bad stuff starts to happen. What stuff? You know, robbers, looters, zombies, that kind of stuff. Here, try it on. It’s only $140.00 and like new. I looked it over. They were right. I did not see any bullet holes anywhere on it. Of course, this particular vest must have been worn by someone much bigger and in better shape than I ever was. It was not a good look for me.
The experience quickly brought to mind David, when he volunteered to challenge the giant Goliath in a death match. Everyone stopped laughing when they realized David was deadly serious. The well-intentioned king decided that David needed to wear the best armor available, so David put on the king’s armor. It was too much, too big and too heavy. “David tried walking around, because he was not used to them.…I cannot go in these….So he took them off.”(1 Samuel 17) David used his own armor: faith in God, a slingshot, a stone and a plan. I also remembered the story’s lesson, be true to who you are; do not wear someone else’s armor.
Lately, I’ve been on a quest for the perfect facemask. I have discovered two that seem to work best, the blue medical one and a double-layered washable black one with a long shoelace type cord that goes over my ears and around my neck. That means it can hang at my neck when I take it off. It can also serve as a stylish bib.
God provides the custom-fitting armor that each of us need for the spiritual battles that we face every day. “Put on the whole armor of God,” admonishes Paul in Ephesians chapter 6. Hiding behind someone else’s armor will never work. Face the day ready to meet the test with the grace and strength of God’s love and power. With all the bad stuff we face each day, armor up, do not be afraid, for our God is with us.
Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy your life today. Wear your own armor. And let’s experience the love and power of God together.
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