I did not even know time was something to be anxious about. But here it is showing up in some of the current events I am reading about—Time Anxiety. This is another something (malady?) that has bubbled to the surface because of the pandemic. Time anxiety is defined as a form of chronophobia, “the fear of the passage of time.” It is a dread that some express that time is slipping away too quickly; their time on earth is limited; they have wasted their life; or it’s too late to accomplish their goals in life. In other words, there is too much to do and too little time in which to do it. Also known as every day.
I talked about the Great Resignation last fall. It is still happening. Millions of U.S. workers continue to resign from their current jobs every month. But that is not the whole story. While these millions have left their jobs, we have near full employment of the work force. The labor shortages are in the low wage, less rewarding jobs. The lock-down period of the pandemic was characterized by a Great Exploration. An unprecedented number took the opportunity to sign-up for on-line enrichment and educational classes. Many invested in their life hobbies by creating a “side hustle,” or new income stream. Working from home eliminated commuter time and vehicle expenses. Many have chosen to “retire” to give a deeper meaning to their relationships and explore their spiritual nature. Others have found higher wages in less stressful jobs. According to some sociologists, political activism is replacing traditional religious fervor and volunteerism.
The answer to time anxiety is a re-evaluation of what truly matters, followed by consistent actions to “seize the day.” Poverty, disability, perpetual debt, and medical uncertainty are overwhelming. Anxiety overload is detrimental to our well-being no matter the circumstances. Things do not always work out for everyone the way we plan, but Psalm 90 is a good place to start. Here are a few other Scriptures I have found helpful:
For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, “Do not fear; I will help you.” (Isaiah 41:13)
When I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. (Psalm 56:3)
Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6)
Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy your life today. Redeem the time. And let’s experience the love and power of God together.
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