Share the Fire

One day I learned a valuable lesson from a seminary chapel service over fifty years ago. The speaker was D. Elton Trueblood. Dr. Trueblood (1900-1994) was a distinguished theologian, religion professor, author and presidential advisor. He was a Quaker and a noted philosopher. His was a call for world-wide Christianity to “wake-up” to the decline in the church due to idolatry. Sounds quaint by today’s standards, doesn’t it? He was talking about idols such as church buildings as monuments of pride and affluence, clergy hired to do ministry for the congregation, entertainment disguised as worship, and Christian service defined as “attend our Sunday meeting.” These idols are still with us. He was calling for the Church to be a “company of the committed” to Christ, seven days a week.

In one of his books, The Incendiary Fellowship, Trueblood tells the story of the fire-keeper, a young man chosen by ancient tribal elders to always keep a fire burning. In the long-ago, fire was a necessity for tribal survival. As nomadic people moved to follow their herds and their game, someone needed to keep a flame going throughout their journeys. It needed to burn through rain and storm, heavy wind and blowing snow. Elders showed the young man how to protect the flame by sharing it with others during the riskiest times. Carelessness would be a costly mistake. It was easy to carry the fire on most days, but preparation for the unexpected was mandatory. From Trueblood’s perspective, every Christian needs the commitment of the fire-keeper, for Christ is our world’s only hope.

At the end of chapel that day an announcement was made inviting anyone to join Dr. Trueblood and some of the faculty for dinner that night at a local restaurant. I called Dorothy and she indicated that she was always open to dinner out. That evening eleven of us spent a marvelous time with a profoundly insightful Christian. The valuable lesson I learned that day was: Never miss an opportunity to learn from the best, for they will share the fire.

Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy your life today. Keep the fire burning. And let’s experience the love and power of God together.

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