(This is an abbreviated ministry update sent out by Kevin Avery, our Missionary in Residence.)
Hi, everyone! As Thanksgiving approaches, we want to say again how grateful we are for your support and encouragement. This year has been beyond challenging, but we enter God’s presence with great hope, knowing his plan is truly good, pleasing, and perfect. It never ceases to amaze me how he chooses to use us (as followers of Christ) to be an extension of his goodness and mercy to the nations.
My physical health is still our biggest concern. I long to be able to minister to others in person again on a daily basis, but my body is not ready – at least not yet. I need to use several hours a week seeing doctors or rebuilding my strength and balance with physical therapy and exercise. Restoration also requires a lot of prayer to know which treatment to pursue. Different opinions abound, but we sincerely believe God will restore me. We just have to listen and faithfully follow his plan. And of course, we pray fervently for miraculous grace.
In the time needed before I’m able to return to full-time ministry, I believe the Lord is able to use my weaknesses for his glory. I have started a YouTube channel (called Broken Yet Full) to increase awareness about our faith in the midst of disability, weakness and brokenness. I welcome you to follow – even subscribe to – my videos. It is a very transparent look at my life, and it is all free. We pray the Lord profoundly uses it.
I will continue to help edit Joni and Friends’ Disability in Mission blog, and I serve as the Communications Liaison for Lausanne Movement’s Disability Concerns. Both of these roles are also volunteer. I hesitate to emphasize any of this because I don’t serve to glean kudos. I serve because it brings me such joy. I only write this bio to show that despite my inability to serve in China, I am still ministering – and thank the Lord I can even minister at all.
These months have broken me in numerous ways, but thank the Lord that the weaker we are, the stronger he can shine. Thank you for allowing me to share all of this and thank you for walking alongside us for all these years.
Broken Yet Full YouTube Channel ~ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChWG_dLn6H4aG6pE9vMQAjw/featured
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