I have never had much success with New Year’s resolutions about diet and exercise. I’ve tried but something always comes along, like breakfast, lunch, a coffee break, or the weather, so there is just not a good time to get around to my resolutions. Also, I do not like to be nagged by my inner resolution keeper. Finally, I may have found a more helpful way to have a happy New Year.
I thought about blaming God. He made me this way, right? Then I considered blaming other people, but they want to pressure me to go along with them. I tried being angry at myself and agitated with the world at large, but that was exhausting. I blamed the devil, but he just grinned. Changing the subject is only a temporary fix. Finally, I discovered the bliss of denial, but somehow even denial does not give me a happy new year.
I have discovered a simple way to fulfill a year’s worth of resolutions with one word. Pick a word for the year and live it out every day. Choose one attribute from Galatians 5:22-23 and you will have nine years’ worth of fruitful living. Everyone is different, so find your own word to express each day. Choose joy or peace or kindness. Choose love or gentleness or patience. Choose self-control or faith or goodness. Then show up each day with your word on your mind. It is a way to allow the Holy Spirit to fill your heart.
Based on Romans 12:1-2 and the blessing from Ephesians 3:20-21, I seek to follow this pattern for each day. (1) Confess by name my weakness and seek God’s strength for the day. (2) Honor God with my body. (3) Honor people in my speech and actions. (4) Practice openness and generosity. And (5) pray, pray, pray. Life is a daily walk, not a list of things to do or not do. Life is built on loving, open relationships as we share our stories and dreams. If you need a resolution list, I suggest that you commit to a spiritual growth step in one word, and never stop saying “Thank you” and “I love you.”
Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy your life today. Have a Happy New Year. And let’s experience the love and power of God together.
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