I remember when people who celebrated 50th Wedding Anniversaries were old. A little history if you will. Dorothy and I first met in Ft. Worth at Papa’s Pizza Parlor. We were at a Sunday night after-church event. Dorothy introduced herself to me and invited me to church. I teased her that I had been a member of the church for months, and that I taught a 5th Grade Boys Sunday School class. That was in March of 1970. We went on our first date April 10. Over the Memorial Day weekend, we drove non-stop to Atlanta so she could meet my family. She flew back to Ft. Worth while I stayed with family a few more days. I proposed marriage and gave her a ring on June 3. Some smiled and thought we were crazy. There was a blur of events, and we were married on August 1, 1970. Dorothy’s brother Ray officiated, and my father stood as Best Man.
We have been living through the memories of our courtship as these days of much togetherness have unfolded. Today we uncovered the menu-sized sing-along sheets that Papa’s Pizza Parlor used for their guests’ entertainment. We have rummaged through the picture albums, wedding books and boxes of keepsakes. We had planned for a different celebration, on a beach in Florida with a family party/reunion. This unanticipated plan has turned out to be richer, deeper and quieter. The beach will wait for us to get there, maybe next year.
There was a blur of events and now fifty years of marriage has arrived. The actual definition of history is not just about events of the past. History is what we do today, and the day after that, to make a better future, which will become the past. Our story was born in much prayer and guidance of the Spirit. With imperfections abounding, we have sought to honor God first in our relationship with expressed affection, love, and forgiveness. Agreement on the things in life that really matter. Disagreement with respect, not hostility or ugliness. Learning to laugh, cry and be flexible. Absolute trust and integrity with each other, and more forgiveness and love. The passage that has guided Dorothy and me the most is Proverbs 3:1-12. We know we are blessed beyond all measure. Thank you for your part in our story.
Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy your life today. We are not old yet. Let’s experience the love and power of God together while apart.