During a recent Wednesday evening Bible study I mentioned we used to have an aquarium with catfish in our church nursery. When our daughters were young, a new staff member arrived on the scene with a love for fish. Jeff set up an expensive saltwater aquarium in his office, filled with live coral and exotic ocean fish. Also, he set up a 40-gallon freshwater tank in the nursery area. He filled it with the typical beautiful little fish and underwater displays that fascinate children and adults alike. One winter we had a harsh few days of snow and ice, making it impossible to get to church. When the weather cleared enough to travel, it was discovered that the power had gone out at church, disabling the aquarium pumps and causing all the fish to die. It was a sad time. Jeff removed his saltwater aquarium but reset up the freshwater one in the nursery.
Months later an enterprising mother added three fish to the nursery tank. Her father had recently stocked his farm pond with catfish, so she captured three fingerling catfish and carefully transported them to the church. They were as cute as three-inch catfish could be. The fish were somewhat stunned by their whole ordeal, and just huddled together at the bottom, hiding in the plants. The next day when we looked in on them, all the other fish in the aquarium were missing. The catfish were feeling better. The keepers of the aquarium eventually figured out which other fish were safe from the three little catfish. The catfish proved to be a helpful distraction for first-time toddlers and others, welcoming them to our church family. Over the years the catfish grew fatter, but not much longer. They only grew to about 8 inches long. Their diet and the size of the fish tank stunted their growth. Despite their limited beauty and size, they became a unique symbol that everyone was welcome in this place. Do not forget to entertain (show hospitality to) strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2
Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy your life today. Entertain angels. And let’s experience the love and power of God together.
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