Category Archives: Sermons

Tender Creation Series

We sing hymns about the power of the blood, but what is it about a beating heart that affects us spiritually? Why would Jesus have his disciples drink wine in representation of his blood? Then and now, many consider such practices of “drinking the blood” for communion as rather gross. Kevin Avery continues these Tender Creation devotions, sharing about the physical and spiritual significance of blood because truly, the blood of Christ changes everything.

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Tender Creation, part 14

We know the Lord sees us and loves us. He is the God of compassion. He is love, an ever-present help in trouble. He even is present with wild animals in the wilderness when they need help. However, by the time of Noah, we see that God regrets creating humankind. Because of wickedness, judgment is complete. Nothing about the Flood is a fun children’s story. How do we reconcile God’s grace with his holiness, which demands perfect righteousness? Also, how should we (as the church) respond? Join Kevin Avery as he looks at passages like Ezekiel 22 to find out.

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Tender Creation, part 13

As we return to the Creation narrative, we see Adam and Eve being banished. In comparison to the Garden of Eden, they had to deal with their own version of a painful waste land. Pain, toil and thorns awaited them now. Likewise, human history is full of pain and struggle. How do we recover from these hard times? How do we move past disillusionment and failed dreams? Thankfully, the Lord has offered a solution of mercy since before the beginning. Let’s dig back into the Lord’s Word as we continue studying His Tender Creation.

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Tender Creation, part 12

In this teaching, Kevin Avery takes a pause in the Creation narrative to address the Bible’s description of a talking snake in Genesis 3. In our modern, scientific age, how do we respond to narratives involving a talking snake or donkey? How do we respond to skeptics of Creationism? Kevin shares how not only is the Bible still relevant for today, but also, it is and will continue to be transformative.

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Tender Creation, part 11

Temptation, sin, shame and blame. When Adam and Eve chose to eat fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, it was the worst moment in the creation narrative up to that point. Kevin Avery discusses this tragic unfolding of events, but he does not stop there. He provides helpful strategies on how to resist temptation in the heat of the moment. And just so you know, during the actual temptation, prayer is not the most effective response. So what is?

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Tender Creation, part 10

This week, as we look closer at the relationship between Adam and Eve (prior to the Fall), we are encouraged to be a people of unity and openness. Even now, in a world damaged by the effects of sin, the Lord can shine through us as we humbly unify in faith and love. Join us as Kevin Avery continues to teach through Tender Creation.

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Tender Creation, part 9

Adam was in paradise; he was even able to walk with the Lord in the cool of the morning. Sin had yet to enter the picture, but what was wrong? Adam certainly didn’t have the same perspective as Enoch (as expressed in Genesis 5). As we continue looking through the creative narrative, we find that our emotions — even emotions of anger or loneliness or pleasure — are given to us by the Lord. So what do we do with this? Join Kevin Avery as he teaches from devotion 9 of Tender Creation.

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From the Grassroots of creation

In the first half of this week’s video devotional, Kevin Avery teaches from the “grassroots of creation” from Genesis 2:5-7, emphasizing the breath of God. Then, he compares Genesis 2 with the vision of the dry bones from Ezekiel 37. What the Lord is asking from us — what he is empowering us to do — is no less significant than Ezekiel speaking life to those dry bones. May we be an extension of the Lord’s breath of life this week.

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Tender Creation Series

On the seventh day, the Lord intervened with rest. It is not that God ever needs to rest, but once again, the Lord’s creation illustrates what we need: shalom rest extending from his goodness and mercy. We welcome you to virtually join us as Kevin Avery continues to teach devotions from Tender Creation. May the Lord lift you up this week with a peace that surpasses human understanding.

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This week of the Tender Creation Bible study focuses on Day 6, the creation of mankind. By looking at Scripture, current science (specifically the Human Genome Project), and even creative arts, Kevin Avery points out some amazing qualities about every person, no matter gender, age, ability or ethnicity. May the Lord uplift you this week as you share his love with others.

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