Category Archives: Reflections

New Doors

This is the full update from Kevin Avery, our Missionary-In-Residence. 

Although 2022 ranks as one of the hardest years my family and I have ever experienced, there are many things about 2022 for which I am grateful. First and foremost, of course, I am thankful that our God of comfort and compassion is trustworthy in every way, even when loved ones die or when our own physical health crumbles. 

I am so thankful for Dayna and the kids, who have literally stood by me this year, and for those like my brother-in-law and paramedics who literally carried me when sepsis left me too weak to move. Even signing my name has been challenging. I am very grateful for technology, which allowed me to write my father’s obituary and virtually participate in his funeral and graveside service. Amazing that I could even give the graveside message as I FaceTimed with my cousin Dave. In addition, I am grateful for your prayers for us and for those of you who have been sending financial assistance to help with medical bills. Thank you so much. Words fall short. (Currently, I am doing much better, but I am still recovering.)

Ministry wise this year, I am so glad to have been able to begin prayer conference calls on Mondays and to start Tuesday night Prayer for the Nations on Zoom. Also, although I was not able to do as much as I had wanted to with the Lausanne Movement in 2022, the Lord has used the Disability Concerns Network of Lausanne (and my struggles in general) to open new doors. 

Most notably, I was introduced to a ministry by a friend from Lausanne named Ben, who is blind. This international ministry is called Internet Theological Education by Extension (iTEE) Global or simply iTEE Global, which is pronounced “I.T.” Global. This ministry trains pastors and other church leaders in third world countries, especially in Africa and Asia. Among such pastors in these areas, 80% to 90% lack access to theological training. Christianity is rapidly expanding across Africa and parts of Asia, which is wonderful, but such gaps in training allow heresies to thrive. The need for discipleship and accountability is vast. 

Officially, I had my first interview with iTEE Global on October 5 — just hours before being taken to the hospital the first time — and was offered a position of Global Facilitator in mid December. I became one of 52 missionary facilitators, who are all raising support to keep classes affordable to these third-world nations, where need is greatest. Likely, I will start teaching and discipling church leaders in May. I will serve as a student or co-facilitator these first months.

Also, this virtual iTEE Global ministry enables people with disabilities to have much greater access to training. As part of my orientation, I have been placed in a cohort (or student group) with others with physical disabilities. Whenever possible, I hope to work with my friend Ben to increase opportunities to disciple more groups with disabilities. In a few weeks, I will share more, but first, I just wanted to add an encouraging detail. I have been communicating with Peter, my pastor friend in Uganda, introducing him to iTEE Global since it is already training cohorts in Uganda. This is exciting! The ministry potential is great, and the harvest is ready. Come Lord Jesus!

As we enter 2023, we look forward to seeing all that the Lord will do in this new year. Thank you for joining us on this new virtual mission of discipling disciple makers across the nations.    

With gratitude,

     Kevin, Dayna, Molly and Hudson

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Reflections On My Father

December 29, 2022, marks the 100th anniversary of my father’s birth.  He said he always got one leftover Christmas present for his birthday when he was a kid. He felt sympathetic to those whose birthdays fell close to Christmas and New Year’s Day.  As the youngest of five children, he was used to hand-me-downs and leftovers. 

My father was a railroad man. After trying his hand as a machinist and a jeweler, he went to work for the Seaboard Railroad in 1949. He worked in different capacities for the company for 33 years. My father struggled with high school but managed to graduate just before World War II began. He served in the Coast Guard, married my mother, and after the war, they started having children. Three of us were born within 4 years, and we all went to church each week. Faith mattered.

My dad started out as a switchman in the rail yards accompanying freight trains around the city. Because of union rules, seniority made all the difference in the world when it came to work schedules. Dad worked the nightshift for many years. Things got better. After a dozen years or so, my father began to think of ways to improve the efficiency of the freight delivery system. On his own, he drew-up maps of all the small spur lines that the freight trains used to deliver to the warehouses throughout Miami, Florida, and the surrounding towns. Doing this helped the engineers to have the box cars in the right order to be dropped off, as well as knowing where to find some places. He also took a Dale Carnegie course to learn how to speak in public and work more effectively with people. Management was impressed—he was soon promoted to Assistant Yardmaster, then Yardmaster overseeing the freight crews. 

In 1965, our family life changed completely.  Dad was asked to move to Birmingham, Alabama, to become a Customer Service Representative for the railroad and Mom announced that she was expecting a baby. Even with all the life changes, the whole family continued to go to Sunday School and church.

Eventually Dad was promoted to General Yardmaster of Atlanta, later as Assistant Terminal Trainmaster for Georgia, and finally Terminal Trainmaster over a three-state area centered in South Carolina. Through it all he taught us the place of faith and the importance of church. Everywhere my parents lived, they were active members in a church. When my father learned he had just a few days to live, he took the day to make phone calls to friends and family to tell them how much they meant to him. He died in mid-December 2003, just shy of his 81st birthday. 

  Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy your life today.  Faith matters.  And let’s experience the love and power of God together.

Bro Darryl

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The Melancholy Christmas

You probably know someone who is quietly experiencing a melancholy Christmas. Melancholy is an old word that describes feelings of sadness, loneliness, or grief. When Bing Crosby popularized the song “I’ll be Home for Christmas,” he was echoing the longing of thousands of soldiers fighting through the harsh winters of World War II. Some did make it home for Christmas, but for most, it was only in their dreams. The song conveys the dissonance between our expectations and the realities of Christmas. Christmas time is partly about being home with family and dear friends. The separation of miles and circumstances, heartbreak, or the loss of a loved one often turns this holiday season into a difficult time for many. When financial pressures, stressed relationships, and dreary days are added to the mix, depression soon blankets the soul.

When Elvis Presley popularized the song “Blue Christmas,” he was echoing the pain of unrequited love—the break-up of two former lovers. One has moved on, the other has not. The loss of a love brings an inner ache that seems to grow deeper during the holiday season. The empty chair across the living room. Sharing the children and grandchildren with other families who have their own traditions. The loneliness of an isolated soul. 

A Blue Christmas Service is the name given to a Christian time of prayer and reflection, usually held the night of the winter solstice, for those who have experienced grief and loss during the year. It is designed to bring peace and comfort for those going through the long night. December 21 is on Wednesday this year. We will be having a Blue Christmas Prayer Service at 6:30 that evening at the church. Join with us, in person or in spirit, as we intercede for all who may be having a melancholy Christmas this year.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy your life today. Bring comfort. And let’s experience the love and power of God together.

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Christmas Sunday

Christmas Day falls on Sunday this year. One sign of the times is that some churches are canceling their worship services that day. If it is true that some people only go to church at Christmas and Easter, why cancel church? I believe Christmas on Sunday is a very important time for friends and families to worship together. Christmas Day can also be a very stressful and exhausting time for many. This year we will open the church doors for our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Lord’s Supper Service on Saturday evening at 6:00 p.m. and gather at 10:00 a.m. for a Christmas morning brunch and worship hour. Christmas on Sunday is special.

For someone on their own or even traveling, Christmas can become a quiet and unsettling day. In 2006, Christmas Day was on a Monday. That meant two special Sunday services on Christmas Eve. Our family, for what must have been some really good reason, had decided to go on a brief holiday cruise to Mexico, leaving from Galveston on Christmas afternoon. That meant a family caravan road trip leaving around 10:30 p.m. on a rainy Christmas Eve. As we drove through the night the topic of conversation was about all the closed gas stations. We arrived at Dayna and Kevin’s Waco home around 4:30 a.m., took a brief nap, opened Christmas presents, then headed for Houston in three cars. We met Kevin’s parents at the only open restaurant in Houston for a too quick lunch, then we were back on the road, looking for open gas stations, barely making it to Galveston in time to board the ship. That was an exhausting and stressful Christmas day. 

What is always open on Christmas day is a different kind of sanctuary—movie theaters. The shared experience of a movie is a refuge for some and a point of connection for others. The church is that and so much more. It’s an encounter with the true and living God, who “became flesh and dwelt among us,” Jesus. It’s the place where we come to know authentic grace and truth. Here we can cast our burdens on the Lord, and hear His call to service and mission. 

Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy your life today. Make Christmas on Sunday special. And let’s experience the love and power of God together.

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The Feline Leap

We had a cat that looked down on us. I once read that cats were worshipped as gods in Egypt, and they have never forgotten this fact. I attributed our cat’s penchant for high places to her lineage. It is my theory that Doll was part cat and part squirrel. She was a climber. In my study at home, she would climb up on my desk, step on top of the printer, then leap to the top of the bookcase, rattling everything in sight. From her vantage point up high she would stretch, hang her head slightly off the edge and survey her kingdom.

I was given this cat as a Father’s Day gift from my wife and daughters. Doll was so pleased when we set up our Christmas tree that year. It was the largest cat toy she had ever seen. So she jumped right in and started playing with it, in it and on it. She would climb up the trunk and lurk in the branches. She would hide there quietly until some poor unsuspecting target would pass by. Then she would reach out with a quick paw and swat at me. One year I saw her climb up on the piano and lunge across the wide-open spaces, landing on the tree, sending it every which direction. I caught the tree before it fell over. Some of our ornaments have never been the same. After that, she was given her very own ornaments which were hung around the bottom of the tree to swat at her leisure. Her real goal was always higher up.  

Setting up our Christmas tree is an occasion for such memories. We have many handmade ornaments from the grandchildren, some with their pictures. Gifted ornaments from friends long ago, and a spot on the tree for the treasured pets we knew and loved. We still hang one of the cat’s ornaments down low. But oh how she loved to leap into that tree and climb up high.

Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy your life today. Take a leap of your own. And let’s experience the love and power of God together. 

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Love Gives the Best

“Anyone can give without loving, but no one can love without giving.”  Dr. James G. Harris.  My model and mentor for being a pastor was Dr. Harris, Senior Minister of the University Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas. I was a member of his church, taught a 5th Grade Boys Sunday School class and sang in the choir. Dr. Harris counseled Dorothy and I as we prepared to marry. Together Dorothy and I taught the Junior High Youth Class on Sunday evenings and helped in the young adult department. Dr. Harris led my ordination council and sent us forth to Tulsa in 1973. 

The story is told about an elementary school holiday program called Christmas Love. If you have ever been to one you understand the excited nervousness of the children, and the audience. The program was proceeding pretty well until the final song. This was the time a row of young children stood in front of the rest of the group holding big posters while awaiting their turn to reveal each card. One youngster was enjoying herself, bouncing along to the music, when she realized everyone was watching her and giggling. She dropped her card and they laughed. She picked it up and danced even harder, dropping her card again. Suddenly it was time for the children to turn their cards around.  At the director’s signal, the children turned their card over to spell the title of the program, only her card, the M, was upside down. Some laughed but then came the applause. The children had spelled CHRIST WAS LOVE.

As messed up, off the mark and downright mean as our world has gotten, Christmas continues to remind us that no one can love without giving—even God. “God so loved the world,” the familiar verse says, “that He gave His only Son that we might have eternal life.” Dr. Harris gave his all to God and the church. He died on a beautiful early Sunday morning in January 1975, as he jogged around the high school track, preparing his mind, body, and soul to preach of God’s love gift that day. His memorial service became a true spiritual and church-wide homecoming as hundreds of us returned to say thank you to God for giving us the gift of James Gordon Harris.

Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy your life today. Love gives the best. And let’s experience the love and power of God together. 

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Words Matter

This was written for the Center for Congregational Ethics, an on-line resource for pastors and lay-leaders. This brief devotional outline was based on Psalm 76; Isaiah 60:17-22; and Ephesians 4:25-5:2, from the Revised Common Lectionary, Year C, for November 14, 2022. It is suggested that you read each passage first, as you reflect on the focus verses. 

I am always interested in reading the devotional selections on my birthday, which is today, November 14, most likely to see what special word from God I might discern. But if I’m not careful, it can become an exercise of reading what I want to read, to get the special message I want to hear. Not that different from a fortune cookie or horoscope. It can become fatalism wrapped up as a birthday present, tied with a bow of self-centeredness. Words matter.

Psalm 76 points to judgment and salvation in the power of God. God establishes justice. Everyone, from any life circumstance, will one day stand in awe of the Lord. Verse 11 declares the cautionary word: Make vows to the Lord your God and fulfill them. 

Isaiah 60:17-22 points to hope and salvation in the promise of peace. The world is made whole as justice and righteousness transform the people of God. Verse 22 admonishes us to be patient: I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly.

Ephesians 4:25-5:2 points to conduct and salvation in our daily relationships. Paul’s guidelines for living just and righteous lives, everywhere every day, empower the witness of the church, one person at a time. Verse 5:1 presents the imperative, Be imitators of God, therefore…

My words matter. I found a simple prayer that often helps me: May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord. (Psalm 19:14)

Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy your life today. Our words matter. And let’s experience the love and power of God together.

Bro. Darryl

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Healthy Churches

I have been to a great many Baptist meetings this year, including in-person and by zoom. Last November, at our Tulsa Metro Baptist Network (TMBN) annual meeting, when I was again elected to serve as the Clerk/Secretary of the Association, I reported that I would serve one more year.  I desire less meetings. Tulsa Baptists have been in the middle of an intense self-examination as a network of churches, and I wanted to finish my commitment to that process. At this year’s meeting on November 1, most of the findings were presented and well received. I would like to share with you some of the framework of the efforts.

In church leadership circles the question is often asked: If your church closed today, would anyone in the neighborhood notice?  A more positive question that we addressed was: If the churches of today were to invent an association, what would it look like? We have been working on this “simple” topic for two years now, led by a national church development group in partnership with a half-dozen similarly sized associations from Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, and Washington. We’ve redefined who we are: We are a network of leaders helping one another fuel the mission of the local church. A key discovery was found in the personal pain and conflict many of our congregations, and their key leaders, are facing. Healthy churches require healthy pastoral leadership. Our group outlined an overall vision and strategy: Encouraging Leaders; Forging Partnerships; and Planting, Replanting and Strengthening Churches. To this purpose, we have organized the work of the Network into three working teams: a Church Health team, a Leader Care and Development team, and a Church Planting team. This is a work in progress and is being refined as we go forward. 

I want to personally thank Dr. Charles Cruce, Missions Director, and the Officers and Administrative Leaders of the Tulsa Metro Baptist Association for allowing me to be a part of this reshaping effort. At the annual meeting, I was recognized for over 40 years as the TMBN Secretary with a plaque and a gift certificate for Dorothy and I to spend a few days in Branson. I think they are suggesting the time away may help us model a healthy relationship.

Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy your life today. Model healthy. And let’s experience the love and power of God together.

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The Old West, and the New

I had a hankerin’ for a western, so I read the Louis L’Amour book Rider of Lost Creek. Louis L’Amour wrote 120 books before he died in 1988. All of his books are still in print. The struggles of the Old West (1870’s to 1890’s) still resonate with us today for a reason. I saw a glimpse of what he was really writing about—the cowboy, the cattle drives, the free range were being replaced by a new Fenced West (1890’s to 1920’s) of ranch hands, cattle trains, and barbed wire. In the Old West, outlaws were deputized as lawmen and lawmen turned outlaw, if the opportunity seemed worth it. L’Amour wrote briefly about Watt Earp and Bat Masterson as good guys and gunslingers. I remember the old Radio and TV shows about the Old West—The Lone Ranger, Gunsmoke and Wagon Train, and those of the Fenced West—Bonanza, Roy Rogers, and Hop-a-Long Cassidy. All those shows were about righting wrongs and making a new start.

The real Wyatt Earp retired from the old west, moved to Alaska to find gold, then eventually went to Hollywood where he became a motion picture consultant to Tom Mix, William S. Hart and a young actor named Marion Morrison, who became John Wayne. Wyatt Earp died in 1929.  Bat Masterson, who reportedly killed more than 26 men before he was 30, died in 1921 sitting at his typewriter in New York City as the sports columnist for the New York Telegraph. The  Old West and the Fenced West became the Wild West in the imaginations of the storytellers. The cowboys who lived through those changing times constantly reinvented themselves. They learned the power of a new start, a new beginning.

I remember once, when visiting a church in the East, our daughters were asked, “Do Indians live in teepees in Tulsa, Oklahoma?” The Wild West, Hollywood-style, lives on in our collective stories. It is a new day. Today’s cowboys have hardly driven cattle anywhere unless the cattle were in their trucks. It is a different day for life on the range. Do you need a re-start, a reinvention, and transformation of your life today? God is the One who said, “Behold, I make all things new.” It is never too late for a fresh start.

Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy your life today. Start anew. And let’s experience the love and power of God together.

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An Alarming Situation

Dorothy and I were enjoying a leisurely breakfast this past Thursday, when we were startled by a loud, pulsing siren-like sound. We thought our home alarm system had been triggered. Not seeing or smelling smoke but alarmed that every smoke detector in the house was screeching, Dorothy called 911 and asked the fire department to send someone out to determine the cause. There was no smoke or fire anywhere that I could see. My next thought was that it might be carbon monoxide that set off the alarms. I opened the front and back doors to let in some outside air. The freeze warnings and steep temperature drop had caused us to turn on the heat on Monday night. I went to the garage, opened the attic and looked up. Still no smoke or flames. I went outside to look at the roof, front and back. All was quiet. While the firetruck was on its way, I moved the cars out of the garage and out of the way, while Dorothy waited outside as the fire department personnel had ordered. 

The first cold week of the season is a dangerous time for house fires and carbon monoxide poisonings. Heaters, fireplaces, and furnaces have been sitting unused for months, getting dustier and rustier. A tiny gas leak, a worn-out electrical cord or connector, or a failing fan motor can do a lot of damage. When the firemen arrived, they spread apart to assess the whole house. They were each wearing carbon monoxide detectors, which were indicating everything was normal. Soon they found the source of the problem: the smoke detectors had malfunctioned. I did not know that smoke detectors have an expiration date of about 10 years. Ours are 17 years old. Not only are we to replace the batteries when needed, but also the smoke detector units themselves after 10-12 years. One fireman patiently showed me about our units, how they were connected and the kind to buy. They suggested we replace them all. Fortunately, I was able to find the same model on-line. Before they left, they told me to call them when we got our new units; they would gladly install them for us at no cost.

After that alarming experience, we warmed our coffee and food as best we could and talked about it all. We are thankful for alarms that work and firefighters that are caring and patient. 

Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy your life today. Check your alarms. And let’s experience the love and power of God together.

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